The Second Man-Machine
Poker Competition
Day 3 Gallery
Please enjoy the photos from the third match.
Nick from the Polaris team plays a bit against Polaris before the match starts.
Darse Billings (on the left) from the Polaris team chats with IJay (doghnutz) Palansky and Kevin and Mike.
Bryce handing out Stoxpoker promotional material
Bryce introduces the match. It's about to start!
Mark "newhizzle" Newhouse sits down to face off against Polaris.
Some chips on Mark's desk.
Mark's avatar on screen.
A wide-angle view of the stoxpoker booth.
A wide-angle view of the stoxpoker booth.
The stoxpoker booth is pretty busy.
Mark concentrating hard on the match.
A big photo of Doyle Brunson on the far wall. He's here signing autographs.
Mark getting close to 2/3 through the match.
Terry from Poker Academy watching the match.
Mark is getting the good side of the cards in this match!