The First Man-Machine
Poker Championship
Gallery: Match 1
The first match featured Ali Eslami in the public room and Phil Laak in the private room. Please follow along as we review the first match through pictures:
Ali gets interviewed by a television crew before the first match
Jonathan Schaeffer (right) introduces Ali Eslami (center) and Phil Laak (left)
Ali Eslami begins play and commentary
The television cameras were focused on the stage for a large portion of the matches
Ali makes a straight flush: 6789T of diamonds!
Members of the University of Alberta CPRG team, Darse Billings (left) and Neil Burch (right) watch the action
A view of Ali's stage and what he got to look at during play. In this hand, Ali made the nut flush
Ali's girlfriend Ana (behind) and Bluff player of the year Chad Brown (front) cheering on Ali
A look at the stage that Ali was on
Ali concentrating on a difficult hand
The players flip their cards over to reveal the same hand and split a pot with quad tens!
Phil and Ali find out that they drew the first match with Polaris!
The members of the University of Alberta CPRG team celebrate the draw.
Post match interviews. The people in the photo, from left to right, are: Jonathan Schaeffer, Michael Bowling, Phil Laak, BBC reporter (Name:), and Ali Eslami
The interview continues. Darse Billings (left) and Martin Zinkevich (right) join the picture
The crowd hears the announcement.
Members of the University of Alberta CPRG. From left to right: Michael Bowling, John Hawkins, Andrew Albert, Nolan Bard, Michael Johanson, and Joshua Davidson (sitting in front)
The crowd listening to the post-game comments from the players
Ali and Phil continue post-game comments
A graph for each half of the duplicate match plotted in Poker Academy Prospector
Photo credits: Michael Johanson, Morgan Kan